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Project 625 H&J Johnson Ministry

Howard & Jannie Johnson
Tappen, BC
Evangelism and Discipleship

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Howard and Jannie came to Secwepemc Territory in 2001. They have been involved in learning the Shuswap Language and culture. They minister to needs on three reserve communities, visit people in their homes, help with wakes and funerals, weddings and share in the day-to-day life on the reserves.

In December, 2016 a group of First Nations believers started to meet in the Spiritual Centre on the Adams Lake Reserve in Chase.  They now meet for weekly worship services and mid-week prayer circles.  Howard and Jannie come alongside new believers and use their gifts of teaching and encouragement to nurture them in their faith journey.

If you would like to receive their newsletters, you can contact the Johnson’s through their email or phone number.