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Project 612 – Hoad Ministry

James Hoad
Merritt, BC
Youth Ministry

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James and Lori live and work in the interior community of Merritt, BC. Their primary passion is to see First Nations youth and young families come to know Christ and follow Him with their whole lives. They are active members of the Nicola Valley Native Christian Fellowship where James leads worship, preaches on occasion, and teaches a youth Sunday School class, and Lori teaches children’s church.

Their day-to-day ministry is centred around evangelism and discipleship in a variety of contexts including working as an Education Assistant in the local High School, coaching soccer, sharing meals with local families, skateboarding, fixing cars, hunting, tutoring, and participating in community events. James is also committed to connecting with other local and regional youth workers to plan youth gatherings and partner in outdoor youth activities. Their daughter Lucy is attending the local French Emersion School. She is a bright and joyful light in their lives.