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Project 433 – Folkerts Ministry

Sean & Becky Folkerts
Lacombe, AB
Community and Youth Ministry

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In 2009, God placed a heavy burden on our hearts to open our home to children who needed love and stability. We had no idea that while many children had come and gone, God was working on expanding our family permanently. We were granted Permanent Private Guardianship of our 4 youngest children. This is when God started to plant the seeds of love and compassion for our First Nations brothers and sisters.

In the summer of 2016, God led us to 2 churches in Alberta: Maskwacis, Louis Bull All Nations Church and Maskwacis Bible Fellowship. We soon became family with all who attended! Since then, together with our children, Taya 15, Isaac 13, Caleb 11, Arayha 8, Jordana 7, and Royce and Shay who are both 5, we began to serve in various ways. We lead and attended Boys & Girls Groups, helped lead various youth, men and family camps, and simply become friends (encouraging and praying) with those who are struggling. We are truly blessed to see God grow our extended family!

We feel very humbled and excited to see where God would see fit to use us as a part of His Great Rescue Plan for this broken world!

Check out or most recent newsletters:

433 Folkerts Dec 2024

433 Folkerts Sept 2024

May 2024