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Part Time / Full Time / CMM

NAIM missionaries live and serve in a Native community.  Ministry happens in a variety of creative ways to build relationships with the local people, to help with community needs and to share about Jesus Christ.  Missionaries are faith supported, meaning they raise their own salary through the giving of churches, family and friends. When starting out, field directors will work to create a job description to match new candidates’ gifts and skills with community needs.  NAIM has both part time and full time missionaries.

Opportunities for Missionaries:

Evangelism & Discipleship

NAIM desires to see a healthy body of believers in every Aboriginal community in North America.  Come and participate in this eternal work!  Less than 5% of Aboriginal peoples know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.  A painful history has created distrust — yet our hope lies in knowing that once they meet Jesus for who He truly is, their lives will be full, as He promised (John 10:10).

Your first task will be to learn about the First Nations culture, history and even some of their local language.  The learning will never end, but eventually you will understand your neighbors well enough to share the Gospel.

You will work alongside local believers to evangelize, disciple, train and nurture new Christ-followers, building the Body.  First Nations ministry requires unceasing prayer, relentless faith and strong commitment.  The task is great, and no one can say how long it will take.  There are challenges, but it is also a very exciting ministry — because God is at work!

Youth Workers

Over fifty percent of the Aboriginal population in Canada is under the age of 30. Which means there is a huge need for youth workers — men and women who want to share life alongside the kids, teens, and young adults of many communities.

We are seeking passionate, dedicated, and spiritually mature believers who feel God’s call to step into youth ministry as servant-leaders.  A love for Jesus and youth are musts! You should also desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through word and deed, and have a solid grasp of the Scriptures.

Retreats, hiking, canoeing, fishing, youth nights, summer camps, cookouts, wilderness treks, one-on-one discipleship… NAIM missionaries spend time building relationships with First Nations youth so that ultimately they may know and love their Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Outdoor Ministry Leaders

Aboriginal peoples are tied to their land — it holds the landscape, sustenance, traditions and stories that shape their culture.  Historically, most of Aboriginal life involved living off the land.  Unfortunately, when the European settlers entered their land, it reshaped their way of life and many traditions tied to the land died off.

Today, there is heightened interest for Aboriginal youth to learn the traditional skills and technology from their past.  This opens doors for tremendous ministry opportunities.

Outdoor ministry takes First Nations kids and youth on adventures—to witness God’s creation in a new way, to learn about valuable outdoor life skills, and to bring them closer to a relationship with their Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Hiking up mountains, canoeing across lakes, fishing through the ice, practicing archery skills, cooking outside by the fire, and reading God’s Word under the stars: these are the places where discipleship happens, and lives are changed for God’s glory.

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